Why Cling to Dunya When Paradise Awaits?

Why Cling to Dunya When Paradise Awaits?

During the Battle of Badr, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said in an inspirational speech to his Companions: “Stand up (to go up) to Paradise, whose width is (equal in size to) the heavens and the earth.” Amazed at the Prophet’s words, ‘Umair ibn Al-Humaam Al-Ansaaree (RA) exclaimed, “O Messenger of Allah, a Garden (i.e., Paradise) whose width is (equal in size to) the heavens and the earth!” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Yes.” ‘Umair (RA) said, “Bakhin, Bakhin,” an expression used to indicate one’s utter amazement concerning a matter. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) asked, “What made you say, ‘Bakhin, Bakhin’?” ‘Umair (RA) said, “No, by Allah, O Messenger of Allah, I only said it, hoping to be one of its people (i.e., dwellers).” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Then you are indeed one of its people.” ‘Umair (RA) then removed some dates from his quiver and began to eat them; he paused and then said, “If I stay alive until I finish eating these dates, then it is truly a long life.” Having said that, he cast away the dates he had with him and rushed to face the enemy and continued to fight them until he achieved martyrdom.

[The Noble Life of the Prophet (ﷺ) by Dr. Ali Muhammad As-Sallaabee, vol. 2, p. 975, or refer to Sifatus-Safwah (1/488) and to Zaad Al-Ma’aad (3/182)]

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