Why Islam in Particular?  

Why Islam in Particular?  

There are many faiths, so why Islam in particular?   Islam is not just a faith among other faiths!   Islam is the creed that agrees...
Why Shirk is the Greatest of Sins

Why Shirk is the Greatest of Sins

When it comes to kufr and Shirk, we may fail to see its true ugliness when we look at the “least bad kafir,” and...
The Collective Aim Of The Ummah

The Collective Aim Of The Ummah

We Muslims are the member of an Ummah (Islamic community) whose sole purpose of existence and the aim of installation, according to Qur’an, is...
Some Observations On Hinduism

Some Observations On Hinduism

Unity of God Hindus' belief in God is contradictory. While they believe in and worship many gods and goddesses, they at the same time profess...
The Justice of Hell in Islam

The Justice of Hell in Islam

I’d first like to spend some time highlighting the conception of hell that I’ll be defending. The first point is that hell is a...