The Reason for Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire

The Reason for Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire

Some people ask: Why is it that the unbelievers are punished in hell forever while they were not disobedient to Allah forever? Similarly, why...
Why Islam in Particular?  

Why Islam in Particular?  

There are many faiths, so why Islam in particular?   Islam is not just a faith among other faiths!   Islam is the creed that agrees...
The Sweetness of Good Deeds and the Warning of Bad Deeds

The Sweetness of Good Deeds and the Warning of Bad Deeds

All that Allah has created in this worldly life is just a model of what exists in the Hereafter. The process by which this...
The Necessary Precondition of an Islamic Renaissance

The Necessary Precondition of an Islamic Renaissance

Modern rationalistic and pseudo-scientific interpretations of Islam are quite alien to Islam itself and lack a direct link with the original mission of the...
If Allah Does Not Need Us, So Why Did He Create Us?

If Allah Does Not Need Us, So Why Did He Create Us?

It is a given that Allah does not need us so why did He create us?   The very notion that need corresponds to futility...
Is Divine Revelation Essential For Man's Guidance?

Is Divine Revelation Essential For Man’s Guidance?

Is divine revelation essential for man's guidance? Isn't it enough for people to live according to their conscience? Conscience is a great gift. But what...
The Concealed Traps of Shaytan

The Concealed Traps of Shaytan

Knowledge (ilm) is indeed the ultimate honour in this universe, and how could it not be when it is the evidence without which...
What Does It Mean To Say That Allah Is The Master Of Everything?

What Does It Mean To Say That Allah Is The Master Of Everything?

What does it mean to say that Allah is the Master of everything? It means that your lives are not your property; they belong...
The Justice of Hell in Islam

The Justice of Hell in Islam

I’d first like to spend some time highlighting the conception of hell that I’ll be defending. The first point is that hell is a...