Why Islam in Particular?  

Why Islam in Particular?  

There are many faiths, so why Islam in particular?   Islam is not just a faith among other faiths!   Islam is the creed that agrees...
Submission versus Obligations

Submission versus Obligations

One day, in one of my assemblies I said to the people that attend, ‘If mountains were to carry the burdens that were placed...
Is Islamic Hell a Disproportionate Punishment?

Is Islamic Hell a Disproportionate Punishment?

There are those who would argue that the punishment of everlasting hell is disproportional to the crime of kufr (disbelief). They would argue that...
Whom Allah Chooses to Guide

Whom Allah Chooses to Guide

Islam teaches that Allah’s guidance is a key factor in both becoming guided to Islam and remaining guided in Islam. Allah states: وَمَا كَانَ لِنَفْسٍ...
Why Shirk is the Greatest of Sins

Why Shirk is the Greatest of Sins

When it comes to kufr and Shirk, we may fail to see its true ugliness when we look at the “least bad kafir,” and...