Absurd Worship In Hinduism

Absurd Worship In Hinduism

Nature of Worship Among the 330 million deities generally believed by Hindus to exist, only 400 have been mentioned in all the Hindu scriptures and...
Different Categories of Hindu Deities

Different Categories of Hindu Deities

Hindu deities are grouped under different categories based on their locality, physical features, character, vehicles, favourite arms, etc. Some of these groups are as...
How To Understand And Reflect Over The Qur'an

How To Understand And Reflect Over The Qur’an

The Qur’an has been revealed that it may be understood. There would be no sense in believing in it if we do not follow...
Christianity or Materialism

Christianity or Materialism

The real religion of the West today, the religion that rules over its mind and spirit, is not Christianity but Materialism. Says the author...
Is Divine Revelation Essential For Man's Guidance?

Is Divine Revelation Essential For Man’s Guidance?

Is divine revelation essential for man's guidance? Isn't it enough for people to live according to their conscience? Conscience is a great gift. But what...
Why Shirk is the Greatest of Sins

Why Shirk is the Greatest of Sins

When it comes to kufr and Shirk, we may fail to see its true ugliness when we look at the “least bad kafir,” and...
Characteristics of Hindu gods

Characteristics of Hindu gods

Lack of Absolute Power Hindu gods and goddesses not only lack in absolute power but often appear to project weakness. The scriptures are full of...
If Allah Does Not Need Us, So Why Did He Create Us?

If Allah Does Not Need Us, So Why Did He Create Us?

It is a given that Allah does not need us so why did He create us?   The very notion that need corresponds to futility...
The Wisdom of Ibn Mas'ud

The Wisdom of Ibn Mas’ud

One of the sayings of Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) was that a man said in his presence, "I do not...
The Reason for Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire

The Reason for Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire

Some people ask: Why is it that the unbelievers are punished in hell forever while they were not disobedient to Allah forever? Similarly, why...