Home Excerpts Purification of the Soul

Purification of the Soul

The Marvels of the Heart

The Marvels of the Heart

Know that the most honoured part of a person is his heart. If a person has knowledge of Allah, works for Him, strives for...
Breaking The Desire of the Stomach and the Private Parts

Breaking The Desire of the Stomach and the Private Parts

The desire of the stomach is of the greatest of the destructive vices, and it is what caused Adam (AS) to be expelled from...
Knowledge and Deeds

Balance Between Knowledge and Action

Having noticed that my 'self’ values and appreciates knowledge, and hence it gives knowledge the priority over everything else, it abides by the existence...
People Differ in Rank Just Like Metals

People Differ in Rank Just Like Metals

After I pondered upon the earth and those living on its surface using the eyes of my contemplation, I came to realise that its...
The Benefits Of Not Showing What You Have

The Benefits Of Not Showing What You Have

He who basks in the various graces Allah has bestowed upon him should only show what manifests on him and not show all that...
Forbidding from Accompanying Sultans

Forbidding from Accompanying Sultans

If more a person's status is elevated in this world, the more his status will diminish in the Hereafter. Ibn 'Umar (radiyAllahu 'anhuma) said, 'By...
Solitude: The Path of Devotion

Solitude: The Path of Devotion

There is no doubt that a heart believing in Allah, Exalted be He, and His Commands needs to devote itself to His remembrance (dhikr),...
Pleasures Of This World Are Connected With Calamities and Darkness

Pleasures Of This World Are Connected With Calamities and Darkness

I envisaged myself looking at the pleasures of men in the world and forgetting how they were acquired them, together with the calamities that...
Indulging The Intellect In Knowing The Creator Will Make One Bask In Loving Him

Indulging The Intellect In Knowing The Creator Will Make One Bask In Loving Him

The more people indulge their intellect in knowing the Creator and witnessing His Greatness, Kindness and Superiority; the more they will overwhelmingly bask in...
The Pursuit of Knowledge

The Pursuit of Knowledge: A Path Of Endurance And Virtue

No one goes to the depths of pursuing knowledge (talab al-ilm) except the lover of knowledge, and the lover must endure distress. Such preoccupation...