The Inward Rules Of The Zakah
Know that he who seeks the road of the Afterlife through the zakah has certain duties to fulfil. These are as follows: THE FIRST DUTY...
The Pursuit of Knowledge: A Path Of Endurance And Virtue
No one goes to the depths of pursuing knowledge (talab al-ilm) except the lover of knowledge, and the lover must endure distress. Such preoccupation...
Indulging The Intellect In Knowing The Creator Will Make One Bask In Loving Him
The more people indulge their intellect in knowing the Creator and witnessing His Greatness, Kindness and Superiority; the more they will overwhelmingly bask in...
Pleasures Of This World Are Connected With Calamities and Darkness
I envisaged myself looking at the pleasures of men in the world and forgetting how they were acquired them, together with the calamities that...
Solitude: The Path of Devotion
There is no doubt that a heart believing in Allah, Exalted be He, and His Commands needs to devote itself to His remembrance (dhikr),...
Forbidding from Accompanying Sultans
If more a person's status is elevated in this world, the more his status will diminish in the Hereafter. Ibn 'Umar (radiyAllahu 'anhuma) said, 'By...
Wretched People
The majority of mankind has a wretched nature that cannot be rectified except with self-discipline, for they neither know the reason why they were...
Eight Lessons For A Meaningful Life
It has been narrated that Shaqīq al-Balkhī told al-Hātim: ‘You have accompanied me for a while now. What have you learned?’ Al-Hātim said: "Eight...
Debating For The Sake Of Winning
Know that debating with the purpose of winning and boasting is the source of vile character. A person who does this is not safe...
The Danger Of Succumbing To Sinful Desires
When the 'self’ longs for a sinful pleasure, it usually makes the person fail to notice the consequences and punishment of the sin. He...