What Does It Mean To Say That Allah Is The Master Of Everything?

What Does It Mean To Say That Allah Is The Master Of Everything?

What does it mean to say that Allah is the Master of everything? It means that your lives are not your property; they belong...
Why West Is Incapable Of Understanding Islam

Why West Is Incapable Of Understanding Islam

Western culture is unique in that it has broken completely with its past except as an historical curiosity. Since the eighteenth century of the...
Mass Culture

The Rise Of Mass Culture And Its Effects On Culture

The subject of any culture is man as an individual, as a personality, as the "unrepeatable individuality." The subject or object of mass culture...
The Impact Of Civilization On Woman And Family

The Impact Of Civilization On Woman And Family

Civilization has made woman an object of admiration or use, but it has deprived woman of her personality, the only thing that deserves appreciation...
Forbidding from Accompanying Sultans

Forbidding from Accompanying Sultans

If more a person's status is elevated in this world, the more his status will diminish in the Hereafter. Ibn 'Umar (radiyAllahu 'anhuma) said, 'By...
Bedouins Are More Disposed To Courage

Bedouins Are More Disposed To Courage Than Sedentary People

The reason for this is that sedentary people have become used to laziness and ease. They are sunk in well-being and luxury. They have...
Prestige Lasts At Best Four Generations In One Lineage

Prestige Lasts At Best Four Generations In One Lineage

The world of the elements and all it contains comes into being and decays. Minerals, plants, all the animals including man, and the other...
Solitude: The Path of Devotion

Solitude: The Path of Devotion

There is no doubt that a heart believing in Allah, Exalted be He, and His Commands needs to devote itself to His remembrance (dhikr),...
Pleasures Of This World Are Connected With Calamities and Darkness

Pleasures Of This World Are Connected With Calamities and Darkness

I envisaged myself looking at the pleasures of men in the world and forgetting how they were acquired them, together with the calamities that...
The Vanquished Always Want To Imitate The Victor

The Vanquished Always Want To Imitate The Victor 

The vanquished always want to imitate the victor in his distinctive characteristics, his dress, his occupation, and all his other conditions and customs. The reason...