Submission versus Obligations

Submission versus Obligations

One day, in one of my assemblies I said to the people that attend, ‘If mountains were to carry the burdens that were placed...
The Atheistic Wars

The Atheistic Wars

Was not religion the cause beyond all the holy wars that took a toll on the world for a long period of time?  Humanity lived...
The Marvels of the Heart

The Marvels of the Heart

Know that the most honoured part of a person is his heart. If a person has knowledge of Allah, works for Him, strives for...
Umar's Advice to Someone Who Became an Alcoholic

Umar’s Advice to Someone Who Became an Alcoholic

There was a man from Ash-Sham (Syria and surrounding regions) who used to frequent 'Umar's gatherings. When 'Umar (ra) didn't see him for a...
Is Islamic Hell a Disproportionate Punishment?

Is Islamic Hell a Disproportionate Punishment?

There are those who would argue that the punishment of everlasting hell is disproportional to the crime of kufr (disbelief). They would argue that...
'Umar's Concern for the Well-Being of His People

‘Umar’s Concern for the Well-Being of His People

To be sure, 'Umar (ra) cared about the spiritual well-being of his people, but he (ra) cared about their physical well-being as well. In...
Humbleness Of Umar Ibn al-Khattab (RA)

Humbleness Of Umar Ibn al-Khattab (RA)

'Abdullah ibn 'Abbaas (ra) said, “Al-'Abbaas (ra) (the Prophet's uncle, and 'Abdullah's father) owned a gutter that ran from his home to a path...
Absurd Worship In Hinduism

Absurd Worship In Hinduism

Nature of Worship Among the 330 million deities generally believed by Hindus to exist, only 400 have been mentioned in all the Hindu scriptures and...
The Key To Attaining Taqwa

The Key To Attaining Taqwa

Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi states that the key to attaining taqwa revolves around ten matters. If a person takes these matters seriously the result should...
The Importance of Taqwa

The Importance of Taqwa

A reading of the Quran will demonstrate the great importance of taqwa, how pleasing it is to Allah and how Allah responds to the...