The Concealed Traps of Shaytan

The Concealed Traps of Shaytan

Knowledge (ilm) is indeed the ultimate honour in this universe, and how could it not be when it is the evidence without which...
The Impact Of Qur’an On Society

The Impact Of Qur’an On Society

Before the coming of Islam, the world was in a state of oppression and injustice. Pre-Islamic Arabia was a dreadful place to live in....
Belief In The Hereafter And The Concept Of Rebirth

Belief In The Hereafter And The Concept Of Rebirth

Is there any difference between the Islamic belief in the hereafter and the Hindu concept of rebirth? If any, what is it? Does Islam...
The Reason for Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire

The Reason for Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire

Some people ask: Why is it that the unbelievers are punished in hell forever while they were not disobedient to Allah forever? Similarly, why...
Reasons Why the Answer to Your Supplication is Delayed

Reasons Why the Answer to Your Supplication is Delayed

I have noticed that it is a trial when a believer invokes Allah but his supplication (du'a) is not answered, even though he may...
People Differ in Rank Just Like Metals

People Differ in Rank Just Like Metals

After I pondered upon the earth and those living on its surface using the eyes of my contemplation, I came to realise that its...
The Necessary Precondition of an Islamic Renaissance

The Necessary Precondition of an Islamic Renaissance

Modern rationalistic and pseudo-scientific interpretations of Islam are quite alien to Islam itself and lack a direct link with the original mission of the...
The Muslim Wife’s Obedience

The Muslim Wife’s Obedience

The question of the Muslim wife’s obedience and the husband’s authority has been viewed from what seems to be a limited perspective. It is...
The Place of the Intention (Niyyah)

The Place of the Intention (Niyyah)

According to ibn Taimiya, the scholars agree that the "place of the niyyah" is the heart or the conscience and it is not the...
The Distinctive Features of the Judiciary During the Era of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs

The Distinctive Features of the Judiciary During the Era of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs

The judiciary during the era of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs ranks second in importance only to the judiciary during the lifetime of the Prophet (ﷺ),...