The Lost Art of Family Meals

The Lost Art Of Family Meals

I was reading an article by a virtuous sister on the current materialistic lifestyle that women are subjected to. Women return home exhausted, to...
How To Understand And Reflect Over The Qur'an

How To Understand And Reflect Over The Qur’an

The Qur’an has been revealed that it may be understood. There would be no sense in believing in it if we do not follow...
Wretched People

Wretched People

The majority of mankind has a wretched nature that cannot be rectified except with self-discipline, for they neither know the reason why they were...
Test The One You Want To Befriend

Test The One You Want To Befriend

I had friends and close companions whose friendship I was proud of; after some time I noticed that they did not fulfil what friendship...
Eight Lessons For A Meaningful Life

Eight Lessons For A Meaningful Life

It has been narrated that Shaqīq al-Balkhī told al-Hātim: ‘You have accompanied me for a while now. What have you learned?’ Al-Hātim said: "Eight...
The Etiquettes Of the Teacher And The Student

The Etiquettes Of The Teacher And The Student

The student should purify his inner self (tahārat al-nafs) from lowly characteristics and blameworthy traits before anything else because knowledge is the worship of...
Debating For The Sake Of Winning

Debating For The Sake Of Winning

Know that debating with the purpose of winning and boasting is the source of vile character. A person who does this is not safe...
The Danger Of Succumbing To Sinful Desires

The Danger Of Succumbing To Sinful Desires

When the 'self’ longs for a sinful pleasure, it usually makes the person fail to notice the consequences and punishment of the sin. He...
Lessons On Happiness And Joy From Remote A Tribe

Lessons On Happiness And Joy From Remote A Tribe

Human feelings, however, have very little connection with reason or logic. People who have every reason to be happy are found to be miserable,...
A High Status Can Only Be Gained Through Hardship

A High Status Can Only Be Gained Through Hardship

I have noticed everything that is valuable will take a lot of time and effort to achieve. And since knowledge is the most noble...