Absurd Worship In Hinduism

Absurd Worship In Hinduism

Nature of Worship Among the 330 million deities generally believed by Hindus to exist, only 400 have been mentioned in all the Hindu scriptures and...
The Atheistic Wars

The Atheistic Wars

Was not religion the cause beyond all the holy wars that took a toll on the world for a long period of time?  Humanity lived...
The Reason for Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire

The Reason for Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire

Some people ask: Why is it that the unbelievers are punished in hell forever while they were not disobedient to Allah forever? Similarly, why...
Questions That No Atheist Will Be Able To Answer 

Questions That No Atheist Will Be Able To Answer 

What are the questions that no atheist will be able to answer?  How did existence emerge out of no-space and no-time?  How can an atheist...
Is Islamic Hell a Disproportionate Punishment?

Is Islamic Hell a Disproportionate Punishment?

There are those who would argue that the punishment of everlasting hell is disproportional to the crime of kufr (disbelief). They would argue that...
Why Can't We Have More Than One Creator?  

Why Can’t We Have More Than One Creator?  

Allah says what means, “If there had been in the heavens and on the earth, other deities besides Allah, both the heavens and earth...
Cosmetic Surgery for the Sake of Approval

Cosmetic Surgery for the Sake of Approval

Women, especially models and actresses, are known to be willing patrons of cosmetic surgery. Hollywood is cruel toward the aging process, and the cameras...
Do Not Become Distracted From Your Children 

Do Not Become Distracted From Your Children 

Children are growing up physically but they are weakening religiously. They are being fed well but they are hungry for love, care, and harmony!! And time...
'Umar's Concern for the Well-Being of His People

‘Umar’s Concern for the Well-Being of His People

To be sure, 'Umar (ra) cared about the spiritual well-being of his people, but he (ra) cared about their physical well-being as well. In...
How Was Umar (RA) During The Drought With His People?

How Was Umar (RA) During The Drought With His People?

Once during the early stages of the drought, 'Umar (ra) was given bread that had been soaked in oil. Not wanting to eat the...