Uniqueness of the Companions

Uniqueness of the Companions 

The Companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ were unique in the sense that religion, morality, social dynamism, politics, (i.e. all the diverse requirements of a civilized society) were mirrored in the most beautiful colours in their lives. There was no schism, no corroding lack of integration in their souls. Because of this, they were ideally suited to operate as stewards of humanity.
Umar (RA) And The Monk

Umar (RA) And The Monk

One day, upon passing by the monastery of a monk, 'Umar (ra) called out, "O monk!" at which point the monk appeared ." ‘Umar...
Titles Of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA)

Titles Of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA)

Abu Bakr (ra) was given many names or titles throughout his life, and each one of them points to one or more of his superior qualities.
The Soul of the Son of Adam

The Soul of the Son of Adam

Ibn Qayyim wrote in his highly esteemed book, Al Fawa’id: "How perfect is Allah! In the soul of man is the pride of Iblis,...