The Coed Facility and Man’s Paradise

The Coed Facility and Man’s Paradise

In Western cultures nearly all public schools, including college campuses, are coed. In recent years dormitories and student housing facilities have become integrated as...
The Sincerity of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA)

The Sincerity of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA)

The Prophet's exemplary training of his Companions can clearly be discerned in the actions and character of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (ra). When Abu Bakr...
Muslims under Christian Captivity

Muslims under Christian Captivity

In the medieval period considerable numbers of Muslims fell under Christian captivity. Their fate was universally horrific: their mass slaughter was a rule. In...
Family Needs A Mother

Family Needs A Mother

To get a feeling of how the new generation has come to loath the idea or mere mention of motherhood, consider a protesting, angered...
The Salah is Tranquility for Worshippers

The Salah is Tranquility for Worshippers and Allah’s Gift to the Believers

It is imperative for you to know that salah (prayer) is, without any doubt, the domain of tranquility for devotees (muhibbin), the enjoyment of...
How Abu Bakr (RA) Defended the Prophet ﷺ

How Abu Bakr (RA) Defended the Prophet ﷺ

In addition to all of his other wonderful qualities, Abu Bakr (ra) was brave, fearing none but Allah (SWT). In the early days of...
The New Generation of Youth

The New Generation of Youth

The new generation of youth has become lazy in the quest for knowledge, egocentric, and closed-minded. They are self-centered, extremely autonomous, and very independent....
Cosmetic Surgery for the Sake of Approval

Cosmetic Surgery for the Sake of Approval

Women, especially models and actresses, are known to be willing patrons of cosmetic surgery. Hollywood is cruel toward the aging process, and the cameras...
The Eschewing of Man-Made Gods 

The Eschewing of Man-Made Gods 

The belief in one God, the Sovereign Lord of the universe, raised the heads of Muslims so high that now they could not be...
Children Without Fathers 

Children Without Fathers 

Today more than ever, victims of a free society are the children. With 15 million children in the United States living in poverty, it...