The Stages Of Dynasties

The Stages Of Dynasties

The stages of dynasties. How the desert attitude differs among the people in the different stages. A dynasty goes through different stages and encounters new...
Dynasties Have A Natural Life Span Like Individuals

Dynasties Have A Natural Life Span Like Individuals

In the opinion of physicians and astrologers, the natural life span of individuals is one hundred and twenty years, that is, the period astrologers...
Indulging The Intellect In Knowing The Creator Will Make One Bask In Loving Him

Indulging The Intellect In Knowing The Creator Will Make One Bask In Loving Him

The more people indulge their intellect in knowing the Creator and witnessing His Greatness, Kindness and Superiority; the more they will overwhelmingly bask in...
The Pursuit of Knowledge

The Pursuit of Knowledge: A Path Of Endurance And Virtue

No one goes to the depths of pursuing knowledge (talab al-ilm) except the lover of knowledge, and the lover must endure distress. Such preoccupation...
A Jahili Mother Advice To Her Daughter On Her Wedding Day

A Jahili Mother’s Advice To Her Daughter On Her Wedding Day

The following is an advice from a Jahili mother to her daughter on her wedding day. It reflects a great and mature experience, and...
Do Not Become Distracted From Your Children 

Do Not Become Distracted From Your Children 

Children are growing up physically but they are weakening religiously. They are being fed well but they are hungry for love, care, and harmony!! And time...
The Fallacy of Turkish Barbarism

The Fallacy of Turkish Barbarism

…Western negative depictions of Muslims, throughout the centuries have only been given legitimacy and turned into truths by mere repetition, even though such depictions...
Hadith and Sunnah by Muhammad Asad

Muhammad Asad’s View On The Hadith And Sunnah

Many reform proposals have been advanced during the last decades, and many spiritual doctors have tried to devise a patent medicine for the sick...
If Allah Does Not Need Us, So Why Did He Create Us?

If Allah Does Not Need Us, So Why Did He Create Us?

It is a given that Allah does not need us so why did He create us?   The very notion that need corresponds to futility...
Why Can't We Have More Than One Creator?  

Why Can’t We Have More Than One Creator?  

Allah says what means, “If there had been in the heavens and on the earth, other deities besides Allah, both the heavens and earth...