The Rise Of Mass Culture And Its Effects On Culture
The subject of any culture is man as an individual, as a personality, as the "unrepeatable individuality." The subject or object of mass culture...
Wretched People
The majority of mankind has a wretched nature that cannot be rectified except with self-discipline, for they neither know the reason why they were...
Lessons On Happiness And Joy From Remote A Tribe
Human feelings, however, have very little connection with reason or logic. People who have every reason to be happy are found to be miserable,...
Why West Is Incapable Of Understanding Islam
Western culture is unique in that it has broken completely with its past except as an historical curiosity. Since the eighteenth century of the...
People Differ in Rank Just Like Metals
After I pondered upon the earth and those living on its surface using the eyes of my contemplation, I came to realise that its...
Making the Individual Feel Worthy
It is narrated on the authority of Anas (Allah be pleased with him) that a woman, somewhat mentally defected, said, "O Messenger of Allah!...
The New Generation of Youth
The new generation of youth has become lazy in the quest for knowledge, egocentric, and closed-minded. They are self-centered, extremely autonomous, and very independent....
Cosmetic Surgery for the Sake of Approval
Women, especially models and actresses, are known to be willing patrons of cosmetic surgery. Hollywood is cruel toward the aging process, and the cameras...