A Glimpse into Pre-Islamic Arabia

A Glimpse into Pre-Islamic Arabia 

The pre-Islamic Arabs possessed certain natural virtues that marked them out in their contemporary world. They were unrivalled in eloquence and in the skillful...
The Stages Of Dynasties

The Stages Of Dynasties

The stages of dynasties. How the desert attitude differs among the people in the different stages. A dynasty goes through different stages and encounters new...
The Fallacy of Turkish Barbarism

The Fallacy of Turkish Barbarism

…Western negative depictions of Muslims, throughout the centuries have only been given legitimacy and turned into truths by mere repetition, even though such depictions...
The Vanquished Always Want To Imitate The Victor

The Vanquished Always Want To Imitate The Victor 

The vanquished always want to imitate the victor in his distinctive characteristics, his dress, his occupation, and all his other conditions and customs. The reason...
Muslims under Christian Captivity

Muslims under Christian Captivity

In the medieval period considerable numbers of Muslims fell under Christian captivity. Their fate was universally horrific: their mass slaughter was a rule. In...