Bedouins Are More Disposed To Courage

Bedouins Are More Disposed To Courage Than Sedentary People

The reason for this is that sedentary people have become used to laziness and ease. They are sunk in well-being and luxury. They have...
Prestige Lasts At Best Four Generations In One Lineage

Prestige Lasts At Best Four Generations In One Lineage

The world of the elements and all it contains comes into being and decays. Minerals, plants, all the animals including man, and the other...
The Vanquished Always Want To Imitate The Victor

The Vanquished Always Want To Imitate The Victor 

The vanquished always want to imitate the victor in his distinctive characteristics, his dress, his occupation, and all his other conditions and customs. The reason...
The Stages Of Dynasties

The Stages Of Dynasties

The stages of dynasties. How the desert attitude differs among the people in the different stages. A dynasty goes through different stages and encounters new...
Dynasties Have A Natural Life Span Like Individuals

Dynasties Have A Natural Life Span Like Individuals

In the opinion of physicians and astrologers, the natural life span of individuals is one hundred and twenty years, that is, the period astrologers...