Remarkable Courage of the Companions

Remarkable Courage of the Companions

Enthusiasm for the After-life endowed the Muslims with almost superhuman courage. Worldly aims and interests having ceased to have any significance in their eyes,...
Exceptional Devotion of the Companions

Exceptional Devotion of the Companions

Cited below are some instances which illustrate the exceptional devotion of the Prophet's Companions.  One day Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was...
The Sincerity of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA)

The Sincerity of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA)

The Prophet's exemplary training of his Companions can clearly be discerned in the actions and character of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (ra). When Abu Bakr...
How Abu Bakr (RA) Defended the Prophet ﷺ

How Abu Bakr (RA) Defended the Prophet ﷺ

In addition to all of his other wonderful qualities, Abu Bakr (ra) was brave, fearing none but Allah (SWT). In the early days of...
The Eschewing of Man-Made Gods 

The Eschewing of Man-Made Gods 

The belief in one God, the Sovereign Lord of the universe, raised the heads of Muslims so high that now they could not be...
Sayings Of Uthman Ibn Affan (RA)

Sayings Of Uthman Ibn Affan (RA)

If our hearts were truly pure, we would never have our fill of the words of your Lord.No one conceals something in his heart,...
Hadeeth About The Virtues of Uthman ibn Affan (RA)

Hadeeth About The Virtues of Uthman ibn Affan (RA)

‘Open the gate for him and give him the glad tidings of Paradise in return for a calamity that will befall him’  It was narrated...
Uthman Ibn Affan (RA) and the Qur’an

Uthman Ibn Affan (RA) and the Qur’an

The method by means of which ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan and all the noble Sahabah were educated was the Holy Qur’an which was revealed from...
The Zuhd Of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (RA)

The Zuhd Of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (RA)

Zuhd is an often misunderstood term, most probably because, among certain people - namely, certain followers of Sufi orders it is taken to an...
Uniqueness of the Companions

Uniqueness of the Companions 

The Companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ were unique in the sense that religion, morality, social dynamism, politics, (i.e. all the diverse requirements of a civilized society) were mirrored in the most beautiful colours in their lives. There was no schism, no corroding lack of integration in their souls. Because of this, they were ideally suited to operate as stewards of humanity.