Mass Culture

The Rise Of Mass Culture And Its Effects On Culture

The subject of any culture is man as an individual, as a personality, as the "unrepeatable individuality." The subject or object of mass culture...
Is Divine Revelation Essential For Man's Guidance?

Is Divine Revelation Essential For Man’s Guidance?

Is divine revelation essential for man's guidance? Isn't it enough for people to live according to their conscience? Conscience is a great gift. But what...
The New Generation of Youth

The New Generation of Youth

The new generation of youth has become lazy in the quest for knowledge, egocentric, and closed-minded. They are self-centered, extremely autonomous, and very independent....
Sayings Of Uthman Ibn Affan (RA)

Sayings Of Uthman Ibn Affan (RA)

If our hearts were truly pure, we would never have our fill of the words of your Lord.No one conceals something in his heart,...
Eight Lessons For A Meaningful Life

Eight Lessons For A Meaningful Life

It has been narrated that Shaqīq al-Balkhī told al-Hātim: ‘You have accompanied me for a while now. What have you learned?’ Al-Hātim said: "Eight...
Exceptional Devotion of the Companions

Exceptional Devotion of the Companions

Cited below are some instances which illustrate the exceptional devotion of the Prophet's Companions.  One day Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was...
Family Needs A Mother

Family Needs A Mother

To get a feeling of how the new generation has come to loath the idea or mere mention of motherhood, consider a protesting, angered...
Cultural Islam And Islamic Civilization

Cultural Islam And Islamic Civilization

A though the West recognizes Islam as the only civilization capable of opposing its dominance, the Muslim world today is incapable of meeting the...
The Fallacy of Turkish Barbarism

The Fallacy of Turkish Barbarism

…Western negative depictions of Muslims, throughout the centuries have only been given legitimacy and turned into truths by mere repetition, even though such depictions...
Hadith and Sunnah by Muhammad Asad

Muhammad Asad’s View On The Hadith And Sunnah

Many reform proposals have been advanced during the last decades, and many spiritual doctors have tried to devise a patent medicine for the sick...