The Status of the People of Badr

The Status of the People of Badr

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), "Who knows, perhaps Allah has looked at the warriors...
Severity To Students Does Them Harm

Severity To Students Does Them Harm

This comes about as follows. Severe punishment in the course of instruction does harm to the student, especially to little children, because it belongs...
The Inward Rules Of The Zakah

The Inward Rules Of The Zakah

Know that he who seeks the road of the Afterlife through the zakah has certain duties to fulfil. These are as follows: THE FIRST DUTY...
Things That Corrupt Sedentary Culture

Things That Corrupt Sedentary Culture

"Among the things that corrupt sedentary culture, there is the disposition toward pleasures and indulgence in them, because of the great luxury (that prevails)....
The Pursuit of Knowledge

The Pursuit of Knowledge: A Path Of Endurance And Virtue

No one goes to the depths of pursuing knowledge (talab al-ilm) except the lover of knowledge, and the lover must endure distress. Such preoccupation...
Indulging The Intellect In Knowing The Creator Will Make One Bask In Loving Him

Indulging The Intellect In Knowing The Creator Will Make One Bask In Loving Him

The more people indulge their intellect in knowing the Creator and witnessing His Greatness, Kindness and Superiority; the more they will overwhelmingly bask in...
Dynasties Have A Natural Life Span Like Individuals

Dynasties Have A Natural Life Span Like Individuals

In the opinion of physicians and astrologers, the natural life span of individuals is one hundred and twenty years, that is, the period astrologers...
The Stages Of Dynasties

The Stages Of Dynasties

The stages of dynasties. How the desert attitude differs among the people in the different stages. A dynasty goes through different stages and encounters new...
The Vanquished Always Want To Imitate The Victor

The Vanquished Always Want To Imitate The Victor 

The vanquished always want to imitate the victor in his distinctive characteristics, his dress, his occupation, and all his other conditions and customs. The reason...
Pleasures Of This World Are Connected With Calamities and Darkness

Pleasures Of This World Are Connected With Calamities and Darkness

I envisaged myself looking at the pleasures of men in the world and forgetting how they were acquired them, together with the calamities that...