Children Without Fathers 

Children Without Fathers 

Today more than ever, victims of a free society are the children. With 15 million children in the United States living in poverty, it is not difficult to understand the stresses and injustices being faced. It can be safely assumed that for the most part, these children are living with their single mothers, who are usually earning much less than the fathers. The term used for those fathers who after divorce make a complete disappearing act, do not pay child support, and who carry on as if they never had a child is “deadbeat dads.” Contemporary studies show how important the father figure is for all children. Boys, especially, need a male role figure to learn from. This is not to say that mothers are not good role models, but current studies are showing a disadvantage for children raised without their fathers. Without the father’s presence, researchers contend, children are more likely going to learn how to deal with life much the same way their mothers do, often more emotionally charged. Boys raised in the absence of a father are especially able to manipulate the mother who is not as rigid in discipline as a father usually is. Before long the kids are out from under the mother’s control.

There have been studies documenting that 98% of juvenile offenders come from homes with absent fathers or homes with stepfathers, while in contrast, only 17% were without a mother. While there are numerous studies linking a mother’s absence due to working outside of the home, there seems to be a correlation that has been ignored between delinquency and weak or absent fathers.[1] As Terri Apter puts it, “Sons need fathers if they are to mature into adults who can function in this demanding and often unfriendly society.”[2] Men who have had the benefit of a strong bond with their fathers are most likely to be successful in their education and careers; they are less emotional and more logical in their approach to life. Because men show more interest in studies about automobiles, electronics and architecture, they often know how to deal more effectively with things related to everyday necessities, such as the maintenance of automobiles and house repairs. These little but valuable how-to techniques are of vital importance to everyday living. Without a man around the house women find they struggle more with things they do not fully understand or have an interest in.

New studies suggest that even young girls are deeply effected when raised without a father. In short, the studies found that women who had a strong father figure were more likely to succeed in the social stratosphere in comparison to women who did not grow up with fathers.

[Women’s Ideal Liberation: Islamic Versus Western Understanding by Rukaiyah Hill Abdulsalam, p. 141-143]


[1] Working Women Don’t Have Wives – Professional Success in the 1990’s, pp. 98-99.

[2] Ibid., p. 99.

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