Deeper Roots: Muslims in the Americas and the Caribbean from Before Columbus to the Present

Deeper Roots: Muslims in the Americas and the Caribbean from Before Columbus to the...

Deeper Roots by Abdullah Hakim Quick is a short and brief introduction to the history of Muslims in the Americas before Columbus.  The author starts...
Islam and the World by Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Islam and the World by Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Islam and the World by Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi is a wake-up call for Muslim Ummah to rise from their heedless state and take...
The Myth of Muslim Barbarism and its Aims

The Myth of Muslim Barbarism and its Aims by S. E. Al-Djazairi

The consistent demonization of Muslims and Islam is prevalent throughout the mainstream media. This demonization has led to widespread Islamophobia and resulted in military...
Book Recommendations On Mughal Empire

Book Recommendations On Mughal Empire

This list of books on Mughal Empire has been recommended by Adnan Rashid.  Islam in South Asia: A Short History by Jamal Malik Islamic South Asia...
Book Recommendations On Islamic Civilization

Book Recommendations On Islamic Civilization

This list of books on Islamic civilization has been recommended by Adnan Rashid.  The Preaching of Islam by Thomas Walker Arnold The Preaching of Islam: A...